This website was created as part of the „
Digital Czechia (Digitální Česko)“ governmental digitalisation programme with the aim of providing a user-friendly comparison of the main indicators related to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic and other countries.
Data sources
World Health Organisation -
European CDC -
Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic -
Wordometer -
Our World in Data -
- For making comparisons, we recommend using indicators adjusted to 1 million people. Because sources concerning current populations vary, some data may differ slightly from other internet resources.
- When comparing indicators for individual countries, always take into account information on the number of performed tests and the date as of which the number of tests is recorded – see Summary Table.
- If you right-click on a value in a chart, you can view the data in a detailed table.
About the data:
- The data has been compiled from multiple sources based on their quality – IHIS for the Czech Republic, WHO/European CDC (history), (initial test values) and (ongoing overviews). Some data may be unavailable for some countries.
- With the exception of the number of tests performed, the data is updated 8 times a day in 2-hour intervals. In some cases, the automatic updates may not work correctly.
- Test data are updated manually only for selected countries using a list of URL links to source data. Their form unfortunately does not allow for automated updates. Some countries do not publish data about their tests, while others do so up to a week later. The presumed update frequency is once a week
- “Trends” shows the time course of the infection in various countries standardised to a “day 1”, i.e. the day on which the number of infected people in the country crossed the threshold of 1 per 1 million (e.g. about 10 cases in the Czech Republic and 300 cases in the USA)
- The data is automatically updated and presented using Microsoft PowerBI, including data mining from internet sources.
- Manual updates are imported from several MS Excel spreadsheets shared in MS Sharepoint.
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